Friday, January 21, 2005


Rant: Stupid Heat

I already know that living in Brisbane involves dealing with the stupid heat during summer. But it still pisses me off no end. The stupid ozone hole with everyone driving and pumping shit into the air. Now don't get me wrong i ani't no hippy and i'm not about to join green peace.

Now back to the heat. Working in a kitchen makes the heat here even worst. At work the heat makes me tired and all i do is sweat. I swear to god that i have hyper active sweat glands. I tell mum every year and every year she just kind of look away and just says "yes Chris". One day when i decide to go to the doctors and ask about it, i will be proved right.

But the summer does bring a lot of other good things. Ice cream tastes about a million times better, you get to enjoy wearing shorts and, now the best thing, going to the movies. Going to the movies in the summer is so very cool. I don't care about school hoildays and all the kids being at the cinema or the lines. Movies in the summer rock my boat. Movies in the summer have everything. Ice Cream, air con and really great chairs. BRING ON THE REAT OF SUMMER!!!!

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