Monday, January 31, 2005


Review: Sideways

Sideways is a comedy that has been nominated for a Oscar for best movie. The movie is about Jack (Thomas Haden Church) who is getting married in a week and his best man Miles (Paul Giamatti) is taking him on the trip to the vineyards in California. The trip however turns out not to be just wine tasting and some golf, but more a trip for Jack to get laid before he get married on the weekend. Not to long after they start wine tasting they both meet some ladies, Maya (Virginia Madsen) and Stephanie (Sandra Oh). After they meet they don't wate anytime getting to know each other. Unfortunately most of there relationship is built on lies, so they have problems keeping them together.

The tag line for the movie is very apt, In search of wine. In search of women. In search of themselves. The frist part of the tagline is the part that lost me in the movie. "in search for wine". They talk a lot about wine. A lot. I just didn't have anything to compare what they were talking about to. So i did get a little lost when they were sort of using there wine collections to flirt with each other. However some of the funniest bit of the movie did involve the tasteing of wine. I can't stress enough how funny these bits and really the whole movie is. The writing is just so perfect for each of the characters. This one is not to be missed.

Chris's Rating: 7

Sunday, January 30, 2005


Rave: Astonishing X-Men

Originally uploaded by moky01.
Today my brother and I was in town to pick up a present for our charming niece Mia, as she just turned 4 years old. But while we were looking for a present we happen to come across a sci-fi magazine that had a review of 2004. In this mag they metioned something that we both new about but had done nothing about. Joss Whedon (the creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer) had signed up to do a series of X-men comics.

This series was called Astonishing X-Men. Now i have never really been a big fan of comics but this book seemed very interesting. Now i have only read two issues but it is turning out to be very good. The story is a sort of reforming of a new X-Men team after a few deaths that aren't delts with in much depth. The writing is very witty and current. Whedon even manages a Harry Potter reference. The story however is moving like a snail. In the two issues i have read there has only been two big plot points.

The otherthing that has really sucked me in is the drawing. John Cassaday who also drwas for Captain America, is on the ball with this project. My favourite part of his work is his action scene. They move as quick as if they were on TV. His other strength is his character detail. Beast is a personal fav.

I just hope the story continues to get better. This might not be the las comic series i read. That sound when i said that was my bank accout crying in pain.

Saturday, January 29, 2005


Rant: US TV Scheduling

Originally uploaded by moky01.
Now i realise that i shouldn't really complain about this but I had a long week and there are just something that i have gotten use to that pull me out of a mood. This thing in particular is having the new show Lost to watch. Now Lost for the people that don't know is a show, well for one get out from under the rock you have been living under. Lost is a fantastic show that is about a group of survivors of a plane crash that are stuck on a island. The show is about them tryig to live together, trying to find a way off and once they get there try to find out what the mystry on the island really is.

Now i get that I should be grateful because at the moment i have been downloading these episodes off the internet because the show hasn't started in australia yet. But the US seem to have this wack way of playing a season of TV. I guess Australia is just as bad but that ain't the point. I can understand that they have timeoff for christmas because everyone goes away and they don't want to waste the ratings. But when i went to get this weeks episode i was gutted to find that there was no new episode. So i went to a episode website to try to find something out and it told that it is taking another break till the 9th of February.

Now sorry about the french but WHAT THE FUCK!!!! I'm sick of this break shit. I need Lost and im sick of waiting for it. How hard is it to put the episodes one after each other and not have these breaks that are killing me.

Friday, January 28, 2005


Rave: iComic

Originally uploaded by moky01.
This one is for all you other mac freaks. Today i found a free program that i have fallen head over heels for. The program in question is called as the post suggests iComic. This program once installed lets you read comics that are downloaded of the web each day. Dilbert and MegaTokyo are there when you start but i assume that others can be added.

I think this is such a great idea. It makes trips to other sites to read all these comics seem pointless when they can be all be downloaded and made really simple and easy to acess. So i think you should just rush to the website and download this rite now.

Thursday, January 27, 2005


Rant: Bites

Isn't great when you find a new food that for some reason you just have to have all the time. I had one of the moments the other day. I was watching TV and i was sucked into a simple ad, one Darren Stevens would have made in Bewitched. The ad was for Uncle Tobys Bites. They are fruit filled pillows. Now this just seemed to tempting to say no too. So before i went to work the other i stopped into cloes and bought a box.

Since i had my first pack i haven't been able to stop. They just seemed to be the perfect comination of apple and pillow. The pillow being a very soft and tasty biscuit type thing. At the moment i am just enjoying the apple ones but as i found out today they come in a wide variety of favlours. Like wild berry and honeycomb. I am just so excited about this product and i think if anyone is reading this and lives in Australia they should go out right now and buy some. The name again is Uncle Tobys Bites. The apple is good but i would advise to try other flovours because variety is the spice of life.

Sunday, January 23, 2005


Review- Ong-bak

Ong-bak is a asian martial arts films. Now as i'm sure you all know these films can be very bad. A lot of martial arts films can be drawn out and just look very unrealistic. But the advantage of Ong-bak is that it doesn't suffer at all from this problem.

Ong-bak is a very basic story. The head of Ong-bak, which is the Budda of the small village is stolen just before a cermony thats takes place only once every 23 years. The rest of the movie is a quest by Phanom Yeerum(Tony Jaa) to recover the head.

The story however is not the reason you go see this movie. The fighting is. Tony Jaa who is being touted as the new jackie Chan is simply amazing in this his first film. This biggest selling point of this film is that Tony Jaa does all his own stunts with no wires and very little special effects. In fact afteer seeing this film Mr Jaa could be his own special effect. The fights in this movie are just excellent, you will find yourself wincing everytime a big hit is put on the so-so fighters.

Ong-bak is a perfect start for Tony Jaa's career. I hope there are a lot more movies with this guy. I just can't to get the DVD of this one.

Rating: 7/10

Saturday, January 22, 2005


Rant: iPod Shuffle

OH MY GOD!!! From the second i saw Steve Jobs put it around his neck I knew that i must have one. iPod Shuffle is so fantastic, it's light and it's an iPod. So the moment my friend Ben told me that they had them at the Apple shop, i needed to go right then.

Now i don't usually go to the Apple shop i bought my Shuffle from. Why? Well because they are rude and not very helpful. When you ask for help and they dont know the answer they just say i don't know and dont really try to find out. So thats how much i needed one. I went to the Apple shop i don't like.

So now i'm sitting here with an ipod Shuffle hanging around my neck waiting with baited breath for when i leave and have to go somewhere so i can listen to my music shuffled. This is one of the coolest products i have ever seen by apple.

Now off to go walking somewhere to show it off before there are too many people with them.

This coming live from the air-con of ben's room! Very nice and not hot!

Friday, January 21, 2005


Rant: Stupid Heat

I already know that living in Brisbane involves dealing with the stupid heat during summer. But it still pisses me off no end. The stupid ozone hole with everyone driving and pumping shit into the air. Now don't get me wrong i ani't no hippy and i'm not about to join green peace.

Now back to the heat. Working in a kitchen makes the heat here even worst. At work the heat makes me tired and all i do is sweat. I swear to god that i have hyper active sweat glands. I tell mum every year and every year she just kind of look away and just says "yes Chris". One day when i decide to go to the doctors and ask about it, i will be proved right.

But the summer does bring a lot of other good things. Ice cream tastes about a million times better, you get to enjoy wearing shorts and, now the best thing, going to the movies. Going to the movies in the summer is so very cool. I don't care about school hoildays and all the kids being at the cinema or the lines. Movies in the summer rock my boat. Movies in the summer have everything. Ice Cream, air con and really great chairs. BRING ON THE REAT OF SUMMER!!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2005


Review- Finding Neverland

Finding Neverland is a tale of how author James M. Barrie came to be inspired to write one of last centuries greatest tales. Peter Pan. The author meets four boys and there widowed mother one day in the park. They become his muse and slowly there friendship grow into a unbreakable bond. Thru this friendship the author takes his adventures and pens them into the play.

Finding Neverland is a fantastic film that takes you on a great ride thru happiness and to the depth of sadness. I was glued to the screen the entire time. The emotion in the movie never seemed forced and the acting was a major force in this. Everyone was cast perfect and it isn't to offten that Johnny Depp is upstaged. The kids in this movie are just perfect, they act there ass off the whole way thru.

The bits of this movie I most enjoyed was how the movie all the way thru was the real life moments that inspired to the parts of the play. i think that if you have even the slightest knowledge of Peter Pan you will enjoy the movie all the more. Those moments were spred all the way thru the movie and just made it a joy to watch.

Chris Rating 9/10

Monday, January 17, 2005


Review- Elektra

This movie is the of the most boring movies i have ever seen in my entire life. From the start to the finish this movie never seems to be able to get out of first gear. I'm not sure what it is but i think a mix of a bad script and some really bad acting may have something to do with it. All this movie makes you want to do is ask for your money back.

Elektra is a spinoff from the Marvel movie Deardevil. Elektra played by Jennifer Garner (very poorly i might add) is a assassin, who is fighting some personal demons, is sent on a mission to kill someone in a small seaside town. But ends up befreinding a little girl. The movie does go on from there but i find it even hurts to try to remember.

Really it's not worth a free ticket to go see this movie. Just wait till it comes out on dvd and just convince a freind to pay for it then i would say by all means watch, but i doubt if you will enjoy it.

Chris Rating: 1/10

Sunday, January 16, 2005


Review- Un long dimanche de fiançailles (A Very Long Engagement)

A Very Long Engagement starts on the front lines during WW1. 5 men are walking to there exuction through the trenches. They are being executed for trying to get out of the army via "self-mutilation". Each one of these men had shot themselves in the hand. This scene looks so amazing that you just sit there wondering how on earth they managed to pull it off. They get everything so prefect that you sit in the cinema wincing just thinking what these men went through. One of my favourite bit of this opening scene is a horse in a tree.

The rest of the movie is like a giant puzzle that slowly takes place as Mathilde(Audrey Tautou) looks to find the truth about what happened to Manech (Gasparad Ulliel) who was her fiance and also was one of the 5 men sent to there death. The journey of the movie is truly impressive jumping from the countryside of France to Paris. All of which look like they were filmed in the early 20th century. The impressive set are not even the real strength of this film. Where this film really mind blowing is the acting, which makes this movie just flow along at a perfect pace.

Director Jean-Pierre Jeunet has done an amazing job with this film. He real gift is those simple moments that aren't all that important to the movie but just seem so perfect and always just make you giggle. These were present in one of his other films that i love Amelie, which also stars Audrey Tautou.

I guess the only real problem with this film is that it is a very long engagement. At just over 2 hours i ended up with a really numb bum. But dont get me wrong it is well worth the numb bum. This movie is simply fantastic.

Chris Rating: 9/10

Saturday, January 15, 2005


Review: Spongebob Squarepants The Movies

Well well well well. I have been waiting for this movie since the first time i heard about it. I'm not sure what the reason is but i LOVE Spongebob. There is just something about the show that i love. So anyway today i went and saw the movie. And it really did live up to everything that i had hoped.

This movie had everything a spongebob fan could ask for. Patrick was just amazing. I think he even might have stolen the film from Spongebob. The story was soild in terms of the TV show. Everything really fit into place for this movie.

I guess the only problem i had with the film was that it never really got out of TV mode. The movie was just really one long episode. I think that it just didnt grow enough to have the movie at the end of the title. Saying thisi still tought the film was killer and i will be there when i hope the second film comes out.

Chris Rating... 7/10




This is Chris. Triple R is here for me to as the name suggests rant, review and and to say things that just plain blow my mind. The stuff that will be in here is pretty standard. the main nuts and bolts will be some of my favourite brands and things to do. I guess we will just have to see where this takes us.

Anyway enjoy!

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