Saturday, January 29, 2005


Rant: US TV Scheduling

Originally uploaded by moky01.
Now i realise that i shouldn't really complain about this but I had a long week and there are just something that i have gotten use to that pull me out of a mood. This thing in particular is having the new show Lost to watch. Now Lost for the people that don't know is a show, well for one get out from under the rock you have been living under. Lost is a fantastic show that is about a group of survivors of a plane crash that are stuck on a island. The show is about them tryig to live together, trying to find a way off and once they get there try to find out what the mystry on the island really is.

Now i get that I should be grateful because at the moment i have been downloading these episodes off the internet because the show hasn't started in australia yet. But the US seem to have this wack way of playing a season of TV. I guess Australia is just as bad but that ain't the point. I can understand that they have timeoff for christmas because everyone goes away and they don't want to waste the ratings. But when i went to get this weeks episode i was gutted to find that there was no new episode. So i went to a episode website to try to find something out and it told that it is taking another break till the 9th of February.

Now sorry about the french but WHAT THE FUCK!!!! I'm sick of this break shit. I need Lost and im sick of waiting for it. How hard is it to put the episodes one after each other and not have these breaks that are killing me.

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