Friday, January 28, 2005
Rave: iComic
This one is for all you other mac freaks. Today i found a free program that i have fallen head over heels for. The program in question is called as the post suggests iComic. This program once installed lets you read comics that are downloaded of the web each day. Dilbert and MegaTokyo are there when you start but i assume that others can be added.
I think this is such a great idea. It makes trips to other sites to read all these comics seem pointless when they can be all be downloaded and made really simple and easy to acess. So i think you should just rush to the website and download this rite now.
I think this is such a great idea. It makes trips to other sites to read all these comics seem pointless when they can be all be downloaded and made really simple and easy to acess. So i think you should just rush to the website and download this rite now.