Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Review: Bride and Prejudice

You know how sometimes when you have great expectation for a movie, then it just plain sucks. You just feel cheated about how excited you were. Bride and Prejudice i can safely say it doesn't suck at all in fact it was so great it made me want to dance in the cinema I was in. I went into this movie with high expectations for two reasons. The first is that i LOVE Bend it like Beckham, the directors previous film. The second reason is i have a strange love for Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice, which inspired this movie.
Bride and Prejudice as i said before is based on Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice. The movie takes it's major plot twist from the book but the rest of the movie just has this bright and current interjection thats makes this retelling a must see.
This movie is a all singing and all dancing affair. I knew i would love this movie from the very beginning when Balraj Bingley (Naveen Andrews) hits the dance floor with some of the best moves i have ever seen. The reason this stuck me so much is that Naveen Andrews is one of the stars of my favourite show Lost. I came into this movie knowing that it would have a lot sining and dancing, but instead of dreading the next song i was at one stage wishing the next one would come quicker.
I love this movie. The cast although most I had never heard of were fantastic. The dance scenes just seemed to get bigger and better as the movie went on. The classic story that inspired it made it all the more fun to watch. I can't say enough that you should see this movie. If anyone needs someone to go with all they have to do is call.
Chris's Rating: 8.5/10