Friday, May 13, 2005


5 Days Till Star Wars!

Oh my god, i can't believe that it is only 5 days till Star Wars. There is so much to look forward too in the next week. Today i thought i would look at another Star Wars toy, a few days ago i mentioned the Lego Star Wars video game but i think i must take time out to look at the major infulence of the video game.

The Star Wars Lego sets are simply amazing. The way Lego manages to capture the feel of all the movie is why they have been making some of the best toys around for many years. Some of my favourite pieces are the Darth Vadar transformation, cause who wounldn't want to build a Lego set where you get to change Anakin into the Dark Lord. Another favourite is the Ultimate Lightsaber Duel, where you get to control either Obi-Wan or Anakin in a Lego fight to the death over the burning pits of lava. Who will win? Now you can decide.

Anyway check out the website it's pretty neat. Also look out for the flash movie, Star Wars Revenge of the Brick!

7. Lego Star Wars The Videogame
6. Darth Vadar Mask with Voice Changer
5. Star Wars Lego

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