Monday, November 28, 2005
The Brothers Grimm
The Brothers Grimm is sadly boring. This film came out a fair while ago in the US so i had read some reviews and i must say that none of them were very good but with Terry Gilliam as the director it is law that i have to give it ago. Terry Gilliam has let me down maybe never, i love the monty python stuff , Brazil, Fear and Loathing and even thought 12 monkeys was pretty cool but The Brother Grimm just seems to lack the magis that all those other films have. The main problems are the story which is a little weak and just doesn't set up the back story of the Grimms well enough. Also adding to that poor story the casting in this film was horrible, Matt damon and Heath Ledger don't have any chemistry and they have these stupid accents whch get worse as the films goes on. It's not all bad, the film has the sets and the comedy that is trademark Gilliam all the way through. All in all the problems with this film just weigh it down too much.
So very sadly i give this...

So very sadly i give this...