Sunday, December 11, 2005
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
The new Harry Potter is evything I could want from a adaption of my favourite book of the Harry Potter series. The best thing about the movie was the willingness from new director Mike Newell to add new scenes and make existing parts fit into a movie instead of just trying to recreate the book. One of the new scene in the movie that isn't in the book is one of my favourite in the whole film, it is when the kids are studying and are talking instead of working and Snape is forced to hit them on the back of the head to keep them quite, it is truely very funny. Thats another thing about the film that i wasn't expecting, even with the darkness of the story writer Steven Kloves turns out his funniest Haryy Potter script. The movie doesn't go 10 minutes without making you laugh. Four movies in and the kids have grown up a lot and you would think if they don't hurry up they might have to change them for the last film but if TV can make a generation of kids believe that the kids in Dawson's Creek were high scholol age then anything is possible. Apart from there age they are doing a great job with only Emma Watson (Hermione Granger) letting the team down a little bit with her over acting but she is only 15. The other teachers are of course fantastic casting with new chacter Mad Eye Moody a stand out. The new teacher with his mad eye is more then i could ever want from a live action Mad Eye. Its crap that Mike Newell isn't staying for another because he did such a fine job and this next section is tough cause the books are longer and for me not as good as the first lot and need all the continuity they can muster. It will be interesting what the next movie will be like but in the mean time i can enjoy what i have now...
The best Harry Potter yet, i have to give that a

The best Harry Potter yet, i have to give that a